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Our student Gabriel M, along with 3 other classmates from the first year of Upper-secondary education (Elvira, Claudia A, and Claudia V.) participated in the regional session of the academic debates program: Model European Parliament.

During the regional meeting, they had to prepare an essay on a topic related to politics and European Union issues. In commissions, they worked on these topics, created a resolution and defended it in a forum in front of a  panel of judges made up of event representatives (The English Center school and the San Patricio Foundation) and teachers from the participating schools.

Nominating students to represent in the national debate session in Madrid in March 2024 was not easy, considering there were 80 students from 20 different schools who participated.  Congratulations to our brave representatives, our Junior Ambassadors from the European Parliament Ambassador School program, their Philosophy teacher, who helped them prepare essays, speeches, and especially to Gabriel for being selected to go to the Deputy Congress in Madrid to debate current topics in the European Union.

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