Logo Colegio Internacional de Granada
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We offer personalized attention and have teachers specializing in support, reinforcement, and extension programs which are offered to all students at the school. Special attention is paid to gifted students.

We believe in a comprehensive education, and this is why we offer the official curriculum with a special attention on Music, Physical Education, Art, Drama, Robotics, Programming, and the school garden…. Teaching values should not be forgotten either. These are ever present at our school through mediation programs, assemblies, and the tutorial work aimed at building sensitivity, friendship, teamwork, a critical outlook, and effort… These emotional competences are naturally transmitted to our students through our day-to-day interactions.

<<Treat me as an exceptional person and that is what I will be>> (Pygmalion effect).

Reunión informativa inicio del curso Primaria: 4 de septiembre 2019 (18:30)

Reunión informativa inicio del curso Secundaria: 9 de septiembre 2019 (18:30)

Reunión informativa inicio del curso Bachillerato: 10 de septiembre 2019 (18:30)

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