Logo Colegio Internacional de Granada
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Our facilities

Our school is located in an open and natural environment. We have modern facilities where students can complete their education in the most current and diverse areas of knowledge.

Our classrooms are spacious and bright with comfortable and welcoming materials.  They are equipped with all of the technological resources needed to facilitate the learning and teaching processes.

Similarly, taking advantage of its privileged location, the sports and recreation facilities at Colegio Internacional de Granada are exemplary.

Community use

Due to the character of the school as an open centre to the whole community, our facilities act as an ideal meeting space for families, students and teachers.

Here parents can have a coffee before or after school, meet their children to have lunch together in the dining hall and enjoy other school services and facilities.

Do you need more info?

Please let us know any questions you may have and we will be happy to provide you with that information

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