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It is with great excitement that we have started our organic school garden with students from first to fourth grade of primary. 

During the first few days, the most important task has been getting to know our space: the nature room, the fruit orchard, the garden area with different spaces for growing, storage, tools and compost. We also learned what the term organic farming means, with terms which will begin to sound more and more familiar, how to make compost, how to use organic fertilizer, topsoil, herbs and plants which attract the good bugs and pollinators.

We also had time to work on the garden, removing rocks from the garden bed and planting edible plants such as peppermint, spearmint, parsley, curry, fennel and other herbs such as lavender, thyme, and rosemary…

We enjoyed tasting fruit from our pear and apple trees, which were between sweet and sour (difficult concepts which they know how to identify and use well)…but most of all, we enjoyed being in an outdoor space…how lucky we are.  We´ll keep you updated.

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