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At the end of the last school year, we had the pleasure of sharing our students´ excellent university entrance exam results (PEVAU  or selectividad), an important exam which students from CIG sat for the first time.  Once again, we would like to share details of the great news we received from the University of Granada.  

A report has been created comparing the grades obtained at the 144 schools which took part in the university entrance exams from all over Granada and Granada province.  The University of Granada congratulated us before detailing the wonderful results obtained by CIG students as outlined in the report:

Among these results, our school ranked:

-Second for the highest average for overall university access grades and transcript grades in Granada and Granada province.

– Number 1 for the highest average grades in English, Economy, and Applied Mathematics.

As you can imagine after seeing these results, our school´s position for the other subjects also stands out as being far above average in comparison to other schools in Granada and Granada province which also sat the exams. Average grades obtained at our school are also far above the average overall grades obtained in Andalusia.  We would like to congratulate students, families and teachers once again for their accomplished work.  This goes to show that perseverance and hard work from the outset help to ensure the road to success. 


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