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A group of students from the third and fourth year of secondary and the first year of upper secondary studies have been chosen to participate in the SERVET VIII project. They presented a project called “Mission to the stratosphere : life and colour” which is a part of our school project, CIG- a Biopermeable School.  The mission to the stratosphere consists of creating a capsule with experiments which are launched towards the stratosphere in a helium filled balloon along with 9 other capsules from other participants from all over Spain. Our students have designed two experiments- one in the field of Physics and Chemistry and the other in Biology. The aim is to answer questions such as: Why is the sky blue?, How do the colours of the sky change according to altitude?, How do bacteria behave during a trip into the stratosphere? Will living organisms survive after crossing into the mesosphere? The balloon with all of the experiments will be released in April, 2023 in Zaragoza.

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