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This morning, we had an unforgettable visit. José Antonio, grandfather to three students at our school, and his friend Manuel are the type of people who know about, feel, and understand the earth like few others.  They know what to plant and how to plant it, how to care for vegetables so that they grow to be robust, all without adding anything but water and natural fertilizer.  Second year of secondary students made good use of the visit, putting the scientific method into use, which they study in Physics and Chemistry, while applying it to agroecology. Students in fourth year of secondary education had the chance to work with the sexual and asexual reproduction of the plants which they are studying in class.  It was an opportunity to see Science up close in a way which promotes caring for the Earth and producing sustainably.  A morning full of field work, sowing seeds, and teamwork.  Thank you José Antonio and Manuel for your help with the school garden!


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