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Last weekend the XXII edition of the Science in Action Contest took place, this year in Atarfe.  The 51 project finalists from all over Spain had the opportunity to present their work in person in the Bull Ring in Atarfe.

The project “CIG a Bio-permeable school” was chosen and we gave a workshop on birds of prey and photo-trapping during which we explained the project’s triple objective: learning about the fauna in our environment and knowing they exist in order to develop empathy which allows for their conservation in the long run, teaching students the keys to scientific research in nature in different subjects and helping students to see that they are capable of making a huge difference in nature. Our project earned an Honourable Mention in the category of Sustainability for “the quality of its presentation, ambitious commitment to sustainability and level of awareness raising”.  This year we will continue with the project and we are excited to be preparing new activities which allow students to become familiar with, learn about, and enjoy the privileged natural environment at the school. 

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