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On April 8th, no one could be seen on the second floor of CIG.  This was because students from secondary and upper secondary left their classrooms to learn in another way. They went to different provinces to go to workshops, theatrical performances, and other activities which helped them to learn about the history, culture, and biodiversity of Andalusia.  The students from the first year of secondary education visited the Alcazaba, and the Torcal de Antequera.  The students from second year of secondary went to the Mosque of Cordoba and the Medina Azahara.  Then, the students from the third year of secondary studies visited monuments in Ubeda and Baeza, and fourth year students visited Pompidou which is the botanical garden at the Alcazaba in Málaga. Upper Secondary students learned about historical literature in Seville and visited the aquarium and the María Luisa Park.  It was a wonderful experience which both teachers and students would like to repeat.   

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