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Yesterday we welcomed the guests Yolanda, Aitana, Alejandro, Raúl and Pedro.  The five of them are prisoners at the penitentiary in Albolote and came to CIG to tell us their stories.  In this interesting educational program, the prisoners shared the reason why they ended up being incarcerated, how life is inside prison and what they expect to encounter once they finish their sentences.

They would like to be an example to other youth so others can avoid taking this mistaken path. Therefore, they emphasised the importance of staying far away from drugs and from toxic relationships which are a big factor that cause people to go to jail.  

The five of them say that their family is their main support after they have entered into prison and their recommendation is to take care of it and follow their persistent and good advice.

A big thanks to their teacher Mª Jesús, to Antonio (volunteer of AVOPRI), Manuel (service coordinator) and Carlos (Program Director) for offering our students this enriching and impactful experience.  

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