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Despite the current circumstances which have impeded that we travel or go on exchanges as we have normally done in Primary (Finland) and Secondary (Germany and USA), we still collaborated with our partner colleges, as is tradition, with international projects done right in the classroom.

This Christmas our students made Christmas cards with a greeting in English, some traditional Christmas sweets which can´t be forgotten in a Spanish Christmas, and they spoke about some of the customs which make our Christmas so special.  We packaged this all up and sent it to the different schools which we normally collaborate with and to some new schools, too.

This card and gift exchange let our students see that the Three Kings are magic but other magic figures which hand out gifts also exist and that other traditions which are different from our Christmas parade, leaving gifts by the chimney or in shoes, or eating the Three Kings´ Cake are practiced, too. We saw that there are also other ways of closing the year and welcoming in a new one which are different from our tradition of eating grapes.



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